Tandem Blog
  • An exciting new chapter: the Tandem IMS Gymnasium

    At Tandem IMS, we pride ourselves on constantly breaking new ground in education and creating innovative opportunities for our students. Therefore, we are excited to announce the latest chapter in our educational journey  - the opening of the Tandem IMS Gymnasium (grammar school) in Küsnacht starting in August 2025. This exciting project offers a unique opportunity for language and thought enthusiasts to embark on the path to obtaining their Matura.

  • Unlocking Success: The Secrets Behind Our Pupils' Outstanding Test Results

    At our school, we take immense pride in the remarkable success of our pupils in a range of standardised tests and assessments. It is a testament to the commitment and dedication of our students, teachers, and parents, who work together to foster a culture of excellence. In this blog, we will delve into the strategies and factors that contribute to our pupils' outstanding achievements in tests across various subjects.

  • Learning a language is a real treasure

    Our French teacher Amaia Areitio writes about her experiences in language teaching - from the children's first contact with a new foreign language to the first language exam DELF Prim. She explains what such an early exam experience means for the children's personality development, for their school career and above all for their motivation. Would you prefer to read the blog in the original language - French? Then please continue reading here.

  • The Swiss School System - Giving your Child the Roots to Branch Out

    The Swiss school system can appear confusing (and even intimidating at times), especially for parents who have not gone through it themselves. The path your child can take after primary school is more like a network of branches reaching high for success. Success and the routes along the branches come in many forms, all wonderfully interconnected. Although the path to the treetop does not always appear simple and direct, many possibilities can open up along the way. The Swiss school system is more permeable than one might think at first glance. We will show you how flexible your child's path from primary school to graduation can be and answer the most frequently asked questions that many parents ask us.