Tandem IMS Blog

Super Charge your Family's Immunity

Written by Bethany Hill | May 14, 2020 3:30:00 AM

As we start to emerge from isolation after the corona virus measures, we begin to appreciate the importance of having a strong and robust immune system to help us avoid illness. To boost the immune system we need a healthy foundation combining a nutrient diet and active lifestyle. Whatever your family’s health routine currently looks like there is always room for improvement and we are here to support you.

Here are 5 ideas to help your family build their resilience and strengthen their immune response:

1. Gut Health

Around 70% of our immune system is located in our digestive system and it is our first defense. To keep your family’s gut flora balanced and nourished you might consider introducing a probiotic capsule/ drink into the diet or eating more fermented foods like sauerkraut, sourdough, kimchi or miso. The more diverse the colony of gut microbes the better the immune system is at responding to foreign invaders. Learn how to ferment your own vegetables here.

2. Foods and Vitamins

Some foods are more nutrient dense than others and therefore contain more minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Blueberries, turmeric, dark chocolate, mushrooms, pomegranate, ginger, oily fish, broccoli, sweet potatoes and garlic are all believed to contain properties to boost immunity. Vitamins C and E, Zinc, carotenoids and omega 3 fatty acids should ideally be consumed through eating foods and only taken in tablet form if levels are not being met. Here is a delicious summer recipe packed full of nutrients and bursting with flavours.

3.Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is the bodies protective response to harmful stimuli. Too much stress, smoking, sugar, processed meat, fried foods and alcohol tend to be inflammatory triggers. If the body is already stressed and has inflammation then the immune response to new invaders could be less effective. The Mediterranean diet is believed to contain foods with the most ant-inflammatory properties. Why not have a Mediterranean family meal night and pretend you are on holiday. We found a Mediterranean playlist to get you in the holiday mood.

4. Remove Toxins

Toxins and chemicals can suppress the immune systems response. Make sure your family switch to natural cleaning products and buy fragrance and chemical free skin products, avoid hand sanitisers containing benzalkonium chloride, ditch air fresheners and try to buy foods and drinks in BPA free packaging. Why not make your own chemical free soap.

5. Improve Circulation through Exercise

Immune cells responsible for killing invaders are typically found in the lymphoid tissue and organs like the spleen. When we exercise blood flow and lymph flow circulation is increased and so immune cells roam the whole body and are able to target intruders more effectively. This is unfortunately not permanent and so exercise needs to be done regularly. Here are some family fitness ideas.


The immune system is complex and should to be supported holistically considering a range of factors which can be implemented into our lifestyles without causing stress. Try to remember no family is perfect, a summer without ice cream and birthdays without cake would be a sad way to live, so don't be too hard on yourself or your family. Enjoy!