Tandem Blog

Amaia Conde

Amaia Conde
French Teacher and Coordinator
  • Welcome to the future of language learning!

    Revolutionising language learning with the theory of multiple intelligences (Gardner)

    Learning a new language is an exciting adventure for all Tandem IMS students. Teaching French to young learners becomes an engaging and multifaceted adventure thanks to our language learning methodology. As a French teacher, I am delighted to share how this exciting theory enhances my daily French lessons.

  • Learning a language is a real treasure

    Our French teacher Amaia Areitio writes about her experiences in language teaching - from the children's first contact with a new foreign language to the first language exam DELF Prim. She explains what such an early exam experience means for the children's personality development, for their school career and above all for their motivation. Would you prefer to read the blog in the original language - French? Then please continue reading here.